Microsoft's latest from Fuse Labs was introduced at LeWeb.
It's a personal aggregator that you can set up and publish to the web dubbed Montage.
Personal web-based aggregators are nothing new but they've have been maturing.
In the right column of this blog you can click through to my own 'personal collection' at, created just after the service was introduced. (Admittedly, it hasn't been refined in months but still serves a purpose for me).
The most talked about personal aggregator in past months and weeks has been LOTS have already been set up an are posting updates to Twitter.
It's notable that Guy Kawasaki maintains an interest in both Alltop and Kawaski has shown a keen interest in 'online magazines'.
I wandered though the Montage Gallery this morning. The tech crowd, as can be expected, have already created more than anyone else. It's a interesting journey and can be found here.
Take the ride. See what you think.
Great Weekend All