Earlier today, Friendfeed announced a new test user interface at http://beta.friendfeed.com .
Addressing concerns that I (and numerous others) have voiced,, the beta is not only easy to use (for those that don't have time to create lists or visit rooms) but goes Twitter one better.
As close as you can get to real-time (no delays or refresh), Friendfeed allows you to control the speed of the updates by simply moving your mouse cursor up or down.
Warning: If you follow as many people as I do, you may want to down a little caffeine before checking it out.
Move the cursor to the comment bar at the top and you're in hyper-mode. Just slide it down to page to slow it down.
Add the fact that the Friendfeed already has the ability to embed images (No TwitPic necessary), import and export feeds from over 40 different platforms and more, and the 'crew that listens' has developed an interface that will appeal to a wide audience (and not just those that have been messing with the product since the earlier 'cozy' days).
Assuming Friendfeed integrates the new interface so both those that wish to engage in ongoing dialog AND those that want a steady stream are both satisfied, both Facebook and Twitter now have some catching up to do.
Can't you just feel it? "Hi, I'm Rick Sanchez and I'm on Friendfeed" ....
Welcome to the real-time web ..... almost.
Update 4/29/2009 10 PM ET: - A few short hours ago, Friendfeed threw a little surprise and made the new 'hyper Friendfeed' the default for all users. Details can be found on the Friendfeed blog here.