Friday, April 17, 2009

Google AdWords New Beta Interface now available

Earlier this morning, Google placed a link at the top of many AdWords user accounts as an invite to try the new Beta interface they have been developing. Note: I'm not sure if this is available to all AdWords users yet, but it appeared on mine (and several others) :

The new interface is more user friendly and provides easier navigation and more 'data at a glance'.  For me, the timing couldn't have been better.  Drilling out a new PPC campaign, it was nice to have an alternate look.

The AdWords Beta is not a finished product but is mostly functional. Some links will take you back to the original online interface but,so far, it's looking pretty good.

Google product manager Bhanu Narasimhan provides a walk-through in this video:

While there is no post (yet?) to the Adwords Blog (I suspect this is a slow roll-out), I would encourage regular users to start getting used to it.

Important Sidenote for PPC administrators:  In the event the you PPC guys (and gals) missed it, the Adwords log-in will be down for system maintenance from approximately 10AM - 2PM tomorrow.

Update 1: More information about the AdWords Beta can be found here.

Update 2: Adsense publishers should also be aware the the Google Adsense interface is also expected to be offline from approximately 10-2 PT tomorrow.

Great Weekend all