On the heels of an announcement just a few days ago of a new story landing page, Google news is now integrating YouTube videos, a touch of color around the various topic links, and a variety of new section pages.
The new pages make full use of newer 'wide page' formats by including videos and images for top stories on the right side.
The message, with somewhat subtle announcements from a variety of Google product managers over the past month, seems clear.
Google is working closer with partners. They're working hard to keep their audience at any at all level,s while linking and localizing many offerings not only to improve the user experience, but also with a keen eye on getting as many users as possible to log-in.
'Everyday' Internet users have seen this recently with improvements in products such as iGoogle. The tech community has seen Blogger integrated with Reader (at log-in), and more recently, Adsense publishers being offered Google Analytics. There are a slew of other examples not exclusive of a host of new gadgets for Google's Friend Connect.
The roll-out of the latest version of Google News appears to be completed worldwide and you can check it out here.
staff edit May 15, 2009 12:15 AM ET