Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SEO implications of the 'New Google'

You would have to have been living in a tech tunnel today to miss the news from Google. 

Searchology and the new features available in the Google Main Index not only hit thousands of blogs but is already hitting the mainstream media.  (Miss it? ... pick your favorite publication at TechMeMe here).

What was missed in the broader coverage was the all-new keyword implications for SEO and PPC.

Another 'gift' for marketers from Google?

I use A LOT of excellent (well-known and not-so-well-known) tools to determine keywords ... in addition to my own 'user' testing (which in many cases, I've found to be the most effective).

Earlier today, I took a spin at the new Google WonderWheel.



While these related searches have been on Google for some time, a few really stood out for me.  In fact, some should have been outright obvious.

NONE of the tools delivered them (including Google's own keyword tools).

Looking for relevant anchor text or new PPC keywords?  Think you have them all covered?

Take the Google WonderWheel for a little spin ... before your competitors do.