Thursday, February 19, 2009

Google's Matt Cutts new video at Webmaster Central

Late yesterday, the Google Webmaster Central team posted a video by Matt Cutts to their blog.

The video is essentially a 're-cut' and updated commentary of Cutts' presentation at PubCon last November and includes lots of interesting info for those interested in the Google Index, Search and well, just Google.

It's a must watch for newbies as well as a refresher for others.

The 'State of the Index' video is embedded (and can be played) below or you can visit the page (with access to slides, etc.) at the Google Webmaster Central blog here.

So gather up your SEO team and take a listen.  It's a free mid-day seminar! :)

Update: On Monday, the Google Webmaster team started their own channel on YouTube , which leads with the video above.