It appears Mozilla is on the verge of releasing Firefox 3.0 B5 (or very possibly Firefox 3.0).
The latest build of Minefield (Codename for the project) just went into code freeze.
Regular visitors to this blog (and thank you all for helping us reach yet another FeedBurner milestone today!), know that I love messin' and reporting to you on Beta stuff.
We've been 'surface-testing' Internet Explroer Beta 1, Nightly builds of Firefox 3.0 Beta, Flock 1.1 (now out-of-beta) and the newly-released Safari for Windows (now also out of beta).
Here's a brief weather report, so far:
IE8 - developers only! Some cool stuff under the hood but very instable at this stage on most systems.
Firefox pre-release: Fast, stable here and will be great when the extensions catch up!.
Safari for Windows - Very cool. Makes it look like you're looking at a Mac (and renders your web pages live a MAC would on your PC). Lightning FAST.
Here I go again?
Flock saves me a third computer monitor. Period.
While you'll probably be able to do the same thing with Firefox 3.0 when the extensions catch up, for now, Flock's built-in media viewers, web e-mail (Gmail now onboard), Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Picasaweb, YouTube, stock feeds, blog editor, people finder integration and more have really simplified my life!.
I do keep Twirl opened separately. I haven't figured out why yet.
Memo to Flock: FRIENDFEED integration now?!
edit mar 21 am