Friday, March 28, 2008

Friendfeed Frenzy - Why it continues

I think we can all comfortably credit Louis Gray with carving out a neat niche and bringing the so-called numerous lifestreaming apps to the 'significant awareness' pool.

Friendfeed was very smart over the past week and they really should be congratulated. Facebook-level stuff (or better).

It makes me wonder why Microsoft, with all their resources, can't move like this (They used to???) and, instead, still be looking at spending a rediculous amount of money on Yahoo.

What did Friendfeed do that was different?. How did they cross-over from the 'tech world' to social networking, and a variety of other niche audiences almost overnight?

They grabbed 'the buzz' and they ran with it.

These guys must have been working day and night?

The 'buzz' is FREE ADVERTISING and you never let it get away if you have the time and/or resources.

Just when almost everyone in the tech sector was talking about Friendfeed (practically to the day), they introduced the open API and developers jumped all over it. At the same time, they introduced numerous new features, like the one for me (He who types too fast). You can edit a comment. (I like this :)

Ever try to edit a Twitter comment? You have to 're-twit' and by that time your audience is probably off doing something else ....
"Well, this guy can't spell ... let's not follow him anymore" Zap!

Then it comes back around. If you happen to be curious what the heck I was talking about at 3 AM (and half asleep) on Twitter, you could look at my FriendFeed and see the follow-up Twitter posts in less than a minute.

It may sound simple but this is beyond very cool stuff, and somehow I think it's just the beginning.

Think about it. Twitter was pretty simple too. How many apps are out there now??

Now, if we don't have any 'FightMeMe' stuff this weekend, that'll make two weekends in a row of stuff I don't want to read anyway....

Maybe I'll be able to catch a good movie :)