Friday, May 16, 2008

Flock 1.2 Beta Leaked ! Social Mania is here.

The gang at Flock have been talking about the upcoming release of Flock Version 1.2.

Yesterday, I learned that the beta of Flock 1.2 had been posted to the web. In my usual 'rush to try' style, I cranked up the 'Beta box' and downloaded a copy of what was then Flock 1.2a Beta.

I messed around with it pretty extensively and then dropped a note to 'someone close to Flock' asking if it was OK to post this. (Yes, I still pride myself on honoring embargoes).

The response was "I don't see why not. The nightly builds are public".

Trying to find those 'nightly builds' isn't so easy. In fact, a Google search turned up an RSSMeMe post (by me?) on Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 which included a mention of Flock.

For those of your that haven't been following Flock, it's an alternative browser that is very simply addictive. Many social networking sites are built in, as well as a blog editor (which this post is being done with), web mail and more.

The Beta, which a few hours ago went to Version 1.2B now includes Pownce, Digg, AOL Mail, as well as performance and stability improvements. Digg is integrated right on the address bar (They call it 'DiggMan' :).

Add that to the already 'integrated' Twitter, Facebook, GMail, Yahoo Mail, Picasa, Flicker, YouTube, Blogger, Photobucket, WordPress, LiveJournal, TypePad, Feed Integrator and Flock People Bar - most of which are fully customizable, and Flock is, in fact, an outright time-saver.

Almost everything is configurable. You can use it, integrate it, change the defaults, turn the media bar on or off, select your primary e-mail .... and access it with a keystroke. The sidebar can be used in a number of ways. If you're logged into Twitter, your 'followers' will line right up with their latest posts, same for Facebook, etc.

Memo to the Flock Gang: THINK FRIENDFEED!! (and maybe 1-button TechMeme?).

Here's a quick video from YouTube:

The not-so-secret official download link to Flock 1.2 Beta is here.

Enjoy :)