Monday, July 14, 2008

The new landscape and SEO and Tech Daily

As some of you know, things have gotten a little busy around here.
I'm ramping-up to 'do my thing' again soon in the SEO space (hopefully :).

In the meantime, there are now more of you now reading this blog than ever before and the subscription rate has come off the plateau, and is now climbing again.

I suppose some of it came last week when Mike Fruchter wrote this blog post (unexpectedly) and a few of us literally saw an increase of several hundred Friendfeed followers.  (If I haven't followed you back yet, I'm getting there ... it's a process :).  There was also this mention in the 'new' Industry Standard last week (which I haven't thanked the author for yet?!) ... of course, this guy unexpectedly dealt us another mention.

Much of this came as I was headed for a brief family vacation in New York City, and then after 2 days of no posts, Hacker News picked up this 1 month old piece, and much to my surprise, gave us the largest single day of unique users in the blogs history on Sunday.  Sure, TechCrunch had mentioned the awesome power of Hacker News' front page ..... but ... ugh ... wowza?!

For the first time in years, I'm starting to understand how so many bloggers have a hard time keeping their ego in their pockets ... (You'll NEVER see that here.  Just real stuff.  Period).

So, for those that are new to this place, a little explanation on how it works.

Blog posts usually consist of unique items you may not have heard about elsewhere, commentary, and stuff that I just find cool .... like Mona.  (Yes, a Friendfeed 'discovery' for me).  Follow her.  You'll laugh a lot.

A few times a day, our Google Shared Feed selectively picks out some GREAT pieces on SEO and SEM  (from both SEO veterans and also 'newer people' that just have some great ideas).  The shared feed also shares some commentary by others, news items, and more.  There is no 'I don't like this guy' stuff.  It's the content that matters.

Finally, the blogroll here is updated monthly to reflect a cross-section of SEO and Social Networking Experts, as well as people that are consistantly bring important Internet news and Internet Marketing news,  and commentary to the table.

Despite an upcoming change in my personal profile just a bit, this place will still be here....
....and ... just thanks to all of you, for your ongoing confidence and appreciation.  For me, that's what it's all about.
