Somehow it never fails.
Every time I decide to take a short break and spend a few quality days with my wife, more people discover this blog than usual, more write notes directly, and a few pitches come through with new product launches.
Of course, that's totally contrary to reason, but it happens, every time, to the extent where I'm re-thinking my whole time management thing. Maybe SEO and Tech ... without the Daily ?? Needs work.
So what did I miss that you probably didn't?
Google is apparently launching their own browser in a few hours. Want to read about it?. There are at least 50 takes on the news (and growing) on TechMeMe here, including the official announcement from Google. My take? ... There have been Googlized versions of browsers for years (and operating systems too .. including the newly released gOS Linux distribution). Lots of buzz here so far. We'll see.
CNN apparently upped their usage of Twitter again (after interviewing long-time blogger Erin Kotecki at the Democratic Convention and then making a few on-air mentions ... ). The latest CNN Twitterer is anchor Rick Sanchez.
Sidenote: If you haven't been there, BlogHer is one of the most ambitious blog co-ops on the web today. Be sure and check it out .... (while I make a quick call and see if I can copyright .. ugh ... BlogHim).
Our promised follow up to the piece we did on Technology at the Democratic Convention to exhibit technology at the Republican National Convention missed entirely ... but so did convention day one (for the most part, due to Hurricane Gustav). With my own 'fairness doctrine' firmly in place, that piece with lots of blogger links and more, will run tomorrow.
A few final notes: I'm debating attending SMX New York right now. If you're going (whether I know you or not), drop me a note at any one of the services at the right. (Hint: I still check Friendfeed most often :).
Finally ... take it from me. If you spend a LOT of time in front of a monitor, take a few days off. It does wonders for your objectivity on this whole Web 2.0 thing.
Update Sep 2 AM: Make that at least 500 news sources now reporting on Google Chrome (Techmeme link) on the web and in the mainstream media .... and, as of this post, the Google Browser download has yet to be posted. That's called generating a buzz ! :)