It was just a couple of weeks ago that the new 'computational knowledge engine', WolframAlpha was load-testing and providing previews to an anxious Internet search audience.
The buzz was beyond high as WolframAlpha went live to mixed reviews.
Since that time, most became aware that the search product had very little to do with Internet indexing but instead, was very specific in nature, providing information on Mathematics, Engineering, Dates & Times, Physics, Money and Finance, Units and Measures, Chemistry, Geography and other targeted spaces.
In fact, in many of these areas, WolframAlpha has already exceeded the expectations of those working in the fields that would utilize this type of web-based product.
Since that time, WolfRamAlpha has started to monetize with 'featured sponsors' ads beginning to appear on many result pages. (A few that have been noted recently are Scottrade and Lenovo).
Google apparently is liking the search product as well raising their Page Rank to 7 in last week's PR update. (That's pretty hefty for a start-up ! :)
WolframAlpha is alive and well. The team is busy sifting through tens of thousands of comments, questions and suggestions, many of which have been sent via Twitter.
In response to these questions from a growing community, Stephen Wolfram will be holding a live webcast on justin.tv this Thursday, June 4 at 4 PM US CDT .
Have a question you'd like to be considered for the webcast? Just post it to the comments on the announcement blog post here.